Legal or Tribal Representatives

Admissions & Requirements

To discuss bed holds, future placement, or requirements, you can contact the Program Director and Administrator through Email or Phone. If you do not have the current contact information, please click on the Contact Us tab or the link HERE.

Before discussing client or referral information, please obtain a Release of Information allowing you to disclose this information to Greystone House.

We will be asking for the following information in order to determine if client is a good fit for the program:

  • Client name
  • Client date of birth
  • Insurance Provider Name
  • Client’s diagnosis or behavioral issues they are struggling with.
  • Client’s Recommended Length of Stay (6-Month program or 12-Month Program)
  • Does your client need medical detox prior to entering our treatment facility?
  • What is the estimated date of entry for the client to the program?
  • Does your client need transportation to our treatment facility? If yes, where is the client pickup location.
    • Please Note: we only do intakes Monday – Friday, between 10am-4pm.
  • Is client a registered sex offender or being charged with sex crimes?
    • Please Note: we do not accept these types of clients to the program as we are in a residential neighborhood next to a school.
  • Is client registered as SMI (Severely Mentally Ill) by AHCCCS or Medical Providers?
    • Please Note: our home is low security and low threat level and these types of clients cannot be properly given the services they may require. As a result, we do not accept SMI clients into the program at this time.
  • Is your client currently on probation or being ordered on probation? If yes, can you provide the Court Agreement or Plea Terms so Greystone can adjust the program for this client to meet those requirements?

Documentation We Provide

Includes Greystone Counseling Hours, AA programming, Domestic Violence classes, Anger Management Classes, DUI classes, etc.

Every Greystone class has a report card format, documenting resident participation and behaviors.


Our program is a locked facility which means clients CANNOT come and go as they please. We are a 24-hour supervised program. Anytime resident is required to be off-site it is only under the approval of probation and with the supervision of a Greystone House staff member.

The only types of off-site trips included in the program are visits to: Grocery Store, Doctor’s Office, Book Store for literacy excursions once every 6 weeks, Gym, Movie theatre group trip once every 6 weeks.

Off-Site, unsupervised visits are subject to the review of the Program Director and the Probation Officer.


We provide monthly updates in the first week of every month for the client. It will include a summary of their accomplishments, noted behaviors, current curriculum completion list, Current goals, and areas of focus or improvement. It will also include the last 4 weeks of UA and BA results. We send this to the Probation Officer, the Tribal Counselor, and the Court for filing with the Judge.

If you require any additional updates, such as Status Hearing Updates with the Court, or ART team meetings with the tribe, or any other updates, please do not hesitate to contact the Site Manager, Case Manager or Program Director for these updates. Please allow 24-48 hours to process, so please plan and notify in advance.

In addition to this, we help the client comply with weekly check-ins to their probation officer, and provide the weekly schedule for the house to monitor where, when, and what the client is doing on each day.

Guidance and Partnership with the Court and Community

We do not let our clients fly blind. What we mean by that is we do not let them navigate their legal or tribal obligations alone. Each house has a Case Manager who will assist with court appearance, documentation, letters, or applications to help teach the client (many of whom are doing this for the first time), as well as keep in compliance with their requirements or duties of their treatment recommendations.

We also do not let our partners in the community fly blind. If you need any assistance in regards to your client’s case, we will help! Remember, we are all partners in the success of our clients.

Many of us are family or community members with these clients and their success will ultimately have a positive effect for all of us. At Greystone, we know first-hand what is at risk by letting a client fall in between the cracks. We see ourselves not just as treatment providers, but partners to the tribes and community organizations trying.

Just as we teach our clients, don’t hesitate to reach us for help or assistance. We will be there to support you.